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Friday, May 07, 2010

They fuck up our economy big time!

Still think of sending your children and grandchildren to Ivy league schools such as Havard, Oxford, Cambridge, etc. for economic degree? Perhaps winning a Nobel Prize too?

These MBAs, Ph.D.s, working for and collaborating with the governments have fucked up the world's economy big time. Universities receive subsidies from their governments. Their curriculums have to be in tune to the government's propagandas and policies or they will run out of funds to operate. More than 50% of economists graduated from universities work for the governments and their agencies. Their goal is to help the governing politics, not the real economy.

How can anyone still trust their government? This is not about Greece. Every single government on earth is fooling with debts and creating money out of thin air. Where is the common sense? You don't need any university degree to see how ridiculous government officials who know absolutely nothing about economics, are. And they still get to keep their jobs!

Yeah, Greece is in trouble now. So will your country, one day, eventually. And I don't care if you are China.

From 3 months ago, Watch Nobel Prize winner Professor Joseph Stiglitz--advisor to Greece and Spanish Ambassador to the UK Carles Casajuana argue with a Hugh Hendry (for Electica Asset Management) who is betting on the Euro currency falling and failing. The Hugh Hendry talks a lot of sense, where the expert talks none.

Watch video:

Euro currency crumbling?

Part 1

Part 2

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