Knowledge is what is known. Like the related concepts truth, belief, and wisdom, there is no single definition of knowledge on which scholars agree, but rather numerous theories and continued debate about the nature of knowledge.
Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, learning, communication, association, and reasoning. The term knowledge is also used to mean the confident understanding of a subject, potentially with the ability to use it for a specific purpose.
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In Chinese, knowledge is in two words--'know' and 'understand'. The first word on the left implies awareness. The second word implies understanding.
Today, many words have lost their true meaning. 'I love my country' no longer means loving the collective ideal of living. You don't have to love your country if it is no longer your ideal. That's why they moved to America and called themselves Americans. 'Democracy' no longer means citizens above the authorities. People are exploiting each other through the power and force of governments which they gave up. Governments are invited to meddle in everyone's life. A Servant becomes a Master, in fact a Monster ruler.
Kids don't go to schools to learn. They are there to be taught. Therefore they grow up to be sheeps of the herd.
Most adults don't study much after high school or university. Their further knowledge comes from magazines, televisions, radios, newspapers which disseminate mostly propagandas of political issues and conclusive opinions of others.
Imagine one has to intrepret his or hers lifelong experiences with just 16 years of organized(forced) education. It is like a computer with outdated softwares.